7 Easy Steps for a DIY Technology Assessment [On-demand Webinar]
A technology assessment is a tool to ensure your technology stack and investment are aligned with your organizational strategy. While associations can certainly benefit from a professional, outside perspective, there are do-it-yourself (DIY) steps that generate immediate insights and can lead to long-term effectiveness. Get the right people with the necessary skills and training together with efficient processes and capable technology, and the outcome will be an industry-leading association.
Join the Association Tech Experts Series as Vanessa Dennison of Dennison & Associates presents on “7 Easy Steps for a DIY Technology Assessment.” Vanessa will share insights on how to get a comprehensive view of your staff’s technology use and needs and assure the necessary buy-in for both change and adoption in the process.
What You’ll Gain:
- Learn how to gather information about your technology from a wide variety of sources
- Discover tips and tricks for how to gain staff buy-in for change
- Learn a simple process to turn a list of complaints and ideas into a prioritized plan of action