If it works for one association, it might work for you. That was in the back of our minds as we reached out to six associations to find out their member engagement secrets and successes.
Protech Associates, the first and leading provider of cloud-based association management software powered by Microsoft Dynamics 365, is proud to announce its free eBook: “Association Experts Share the Hidden Truths to Member Engagement.”
Rather than offering our own advice on one of the most critical aspects of association leadership, the Protech team decided to reach out to the pros at the following associations to learn what works — and what doesn’t — to boost engagement at their associations:
What Can You Expect from This Member Engagement Guide?
Thanks to our wonderful contributors, Protech’s member engagement guide features tips, tricks and how-tos on a wide variety of relevant topics, including:
- Goal-Setting
- Onboarding
- Social Media
- Website Management
- Content Creation
- Email and Marketing Automation
- Surveys
- Challenges & Solutions
- Predictions
- And more!
Protech’s complimentary member engagement guide features 40+ pages of the best practices to help your association increase engagement, improve renewal rates and attract new members.