So you want to know how to engage members? But not just how. How to do it easily.
Let’s face it, easy is often looked down upon. But who cares? If it works, it works.
This short guide will arm you with 6 easy tips for member engagement. Six ways to connect with members on the fringe. And six ways to generate more member renewals.
How to Engage Members in 6 Easy Steps
Step #1: Ask a Question
Start a discussion. It’s that simple.
Let’s say you manage membership for a health care association. Find a hot topic in your industry. A health trend, a new piece of relevant legislation or a controversial treatment.
Then, ask a thought-provoking question via social media or your online community to kick off what’s bound to be a lively discussion.
By posing a 5-10 word question, you may reach 100 members or more. And, it’s a great way to get more reserved members involved, as they’re more likely to participate in an online discussion than an in-person roundtable.
Step #2: Try Some Snail Mail

Postal mail is making a comeback. Your association can take advantage.
Why is it making a comeback? Best case scenario, 75 percent of members won’t open your email (if you go by widely accepted email open rate standards).
So instead of clogging a member’s already clogged email inbox, try sending a benefit reminder or a renewal notice by trusty old snail mail. It’s harder to ignore, and your open rate will be a lot better than 25 percent.
Step #3: Get Personal on Social Media

There’s something oddly satisfying about being followed by a verified Twitter account or mentioned by your favorite brand on a social media post.
Try following a handful of members on social media (but not too many, as you’ll want to maintain some sense of exclusivity). Share their posts. Respond or react to every mention of your association, be it positive or negative.
Building a connection by helping a member build their personal brand or sharing a member’s success is surefire way to earn some goodwill.
Step #4: Get in the Giving Spirit
This one’s straight out of How to Engage Members 101. Give them free stuff.
But not just any members. Find a handful of members with dwindling engagement scores. You know, the people who started strong with your association but have lost significant interest for whatever reason.
Send them some swag or a free professional development course. No strings attached. Because no one can turn down free.
Step #5: The Never-Ending Newsletter
Without fail. Like clockwork. However you want to say it, content from your association needs to be in member inboxes.
Once a month, twice a month or more. Reminding members that you’re there, that they pay for the benefits provided by your association, could be the spark they need to re-engage.
Step #6: Entice With Exclusivity
Show your members that they’re important.
They may not act on it, but try inviting members to exclusive events. In fact, it’s even better if they don’t act on it! You wouldn’t want 10,000 members showing up to the same gathering in a room that fits 100 people.
In all seriousness, offering an invite to members can go a long way toward currying their favor.
Final Thoughts
It isn’t easy to keep ALL members engaged. But there are easy ways to keep SOME members engaged.
Are you ready to try some of these easy member engagement tips?
Or are you looking for more? If so, check out an upcoming blog post from Association Answers (The Protech Blog) to find out how to engage members easily in 2019.