All that work. All that effort. So often those hours poured into association conference content go down the drain.
Maybe it’s because you’re happy with the result and you just want your meeting experience to be over and done with. Or, perhaps you pulled all of your annual meeting content from your association’s website immediately after the event ended.
Whatever your situation, you can’t let your association’s valuable content disappear into the ether and expect to fully maximize your event ROI.
So before you go ahead and pack away this year’s association conference content — never to be seen again — here’s how you can repurpose it to use throughout the coming year.
3 Ways to Repurpose Content from Your Annual Association Conference
1 – Turn Meeting Insight into Web Content
Let’s kick this off by turning to the experts.
For those of you who have been to an ASAE Annual Meeting, you know you didn’t make it to every learning session. That’s probably how your members feel at your annual conference.
And that’s a good thing. Your members should have too many options to choose from.
But what about the sessions they missed?
Most of us are content never to seek out more information from those missed sessions. But it doesn’t have to be that way for your members.
The American Society of Association Executives suggests writing session summaries, capturing small video clips and creating infographics based on your meeting content. Or, go a step further and redistribute content through an email marketing campaign to prospective members.
2 – Use Session Recaps to Boost Future Registrations
With the right association management software, event registration for members is as easy as ever. Take advantage of your association’s simple registration process by promoting next year’s event as soon as is reasonable.
Use your integrated marketing automation solution to show members what they missed this year. And more important, why they can’t afford to miss next year’s annual conference.
3 – Try Something New
Here’s your opportunity to be innovative.
Be the first at your association to live-stream an event session. Or the first to record a podcast with an industry thought leader who just gave your keynote speech.
With so many industry leaders in the same room, the opportunities are endless.
But Where Do You Find the Time?
With customizable event tracking dashboards and simple event registration monitoring, you’ll find yourself with a lot more time on your hands. That’s time you’ll be glad to have back after that whirlwind of an annual conference.
Want to learn more about maximizing both your association’s productivity and ROI? Attend a Protech webinar today!