If you’re an association management software power user, or you’re searching for your next AMS, you’re probably up-to-date on the latest tech news. But did you realize those tech blogs you read on your lunch break can help you choose the right AMS?
As you wade through the news on GDPR, the California Consumer Privacy Act or the Federal Communications Commission’s latest repeal of net neutrality rules, you might overlook something important: “How will this impact my association?”
The ever-changing tech landscape makes it critical to find an AMS partner you can trust. That’s what Protech Associates did when we partnered with Microsoft to build our system on the Dynamics 365 platform. And it’s something you should consider when trying to choose the right AMS.
Information Matters — Choose the Right AMS
When the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation approached, Protech offered as much information as possible to clients to help navigate the muddy waters of GDPR. And since we’ve been in the AMS game for more than 30 years, Protech’s helped associations overcome similar unavoidable tech challenges since the dawn of modern technology.
So, what could be the next GDPR? The next complex tech issue with unknown implications for associations? Possibly the FCC’s net neutrality repeal.
How could net neutrality impact your association?
Some time has passed since the net neutrality repeal went into effect, and nothing’s really changed. But it could.
Tom Wheeler, former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission and a visiting fellow at The Brookings Institution, recently speculated that ISPs, “will begin to discriminate in subtle ways.”
The big concern, which might impact associations in the long term, is pay-to-play deals. Here’s how The New York Times put it:
“Without rules prohibiting paid prioritization, a fast lane could be occupied by big internet and media companies, as well as affluent households, while everyone else would be left in the slow lane.”
Unfortunately, most of us fall into the category of “everyone else.” That includes your members.
In theory, if paid prioritization were to occur, your members could start seeing slower connections to your events portal. They could have a harder time taking advantage of your professional development opportunities. And so on, and so forth.
No positive or negative effects have been apparent since the repeal, and there are plenty of challenges afoot to re-instate the net neutrality rules. There might even be benefits — much to the chagrin of those who’ve been riding the #netneutrality bandwagon on social media.
Supporters of the repeal believe removing the regulations could untether broadband providers from regulatory restraint to experiment in new technologies. In the end, maybe you’ll end up making a better connection with your members. And either way, you’re going to want a robust association management system to maintain strong connections with members at all turns.
Back to the question: “How does tech news help me choose the right AMS?”
Well, the answer is simple.
Let’s use GDPR as an example. It stole tech headlines for months, even expanding into mainstream media. But it was hard to decipher how GDPR would impact associations — as a lot of the focus was placed on consumers and for-profit businesses.
So clients turned to Protech, their trusted tech partner.
If you’re working with an AMS vendor, the service they provide probably (or hopefully, if you’re not working on Alliance by Protech) has a wide reach in terms of your member data, communications and website. It’s critical to work with vendors who can serve as a trusted tech adviser when the next GDPR or net neutrality repeal comes around.
Surely, you have enough on your plate already. And since Protech Associates has worked with associations for more than three decades, we’ve helped member-based organizations through just about every obstacle modern technology could throw our way.
Chat with us today to see how three decades working alongside associations sets Protech’s AMS apart.