Worried About Your Association’s Database Security?

“Is our data safe?”

You shouldn’t have to ask. But any association executive worth their salt ponders that question now and again.

That said, 2018’s been a banner year for database security.

In came the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation. So did the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, which goes into effect in 2020. We won’t dig too much into those here. We’ll leave that to a previous blog post.

But the question remains: Is your association’s data safe?

Why database security can’t be taken lightly

Why is database security so important? Imagine explaining to your executive director that your member data may have been exposed, but you’re unsure whether it’s been compromised or not.

Not a fun situation to imagine, is it?

There’s a reason that scenario sounds stressful. Database security is no joke.

In a world of, “Oh, well,” Microsoft has taken a different path. And it’s easy to forget that the companies which have been around the longest are actually the most innovative.

With more than 70 years of experience between us, Protech and Microsoft have been on the cutting edge of data protection for decades.

Need examples?

  • 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies trust their business on the Microsoft Cloud.
  • Microsoft is armed with multiple security teams to constantly address any threats to customers, of which it has 120,000 new Azure subscriptions per month.
  • Want to extract your data when your subscription comes to a close? Microsoft won’t hold it hostage.

What’s at stake?

A lot.

No one puts it better than Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella…

Privacy is a human right.”

That extends to your member database, too.

Positioning your association to avoid a database security debacle will keep you out of that uneasy discussion with your executive director we mentioned earlier.

By simply partnering with those in the industry who’ve lasted the longest, your association management software will be the best available to protect your members’ data.

Want to learn more? Check out one of Protech’s upcoming webinars.